Today was a wonderful day! Martin and I will be moving into our first home together in a couple of weeks, so we have started the search for some lovely things to put in our new abode. We went to our local art and antiques auction to see what they had on offer this week, and this lovely vintage lamp caught my eye, which we managed to get for just £20!
When we got hope I had a little look online, and to buy one from ebay or a shop would be MUCH more expensive, so we have saved ourselves a little bit of cash there… I think we will be doing much more of our household and furniture shopping at auctions from now on (perfect for a poor student like me).
We will have a spare room in the new place, where I will have my desk/office space, so I have put together a little board of my ideas of how I want it to look. I already have the picture shown which I bought from an art fair a while ago, so these are the style of the desk, chair and shelves I would like to have! Obviously I won’t be able to afford to buy them new on a student budget… so I will keep my eyes open for something second hand. Fingers crossed!!
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